You Can Teach Any Dog New Tricks!
Besides helping your dog behave appropriately in social settings and learn some new skills, training provides mental stimulation and enriches your dog's daily life. Behavior training sets people and their dogs up for success at home and in the community. Training also keeps dogs safer by teaching them to listen to commands and avoid dangerous situations. Training classes are a great opportunity to learn more about your dog's personality and how to communicate with them. Many find this experience strengthens their bond with their dog.
We are now offering in-person group classes, in-person consults and consults via Zoom. All in-person sessions are limited to two adults (18 years+) per household. For more information about behavior classes and consults, please call (650) 340-7022 Ext 667 or email Training@phs-spca.org.
Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion
1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame, CA 94010
Phone 650.340.7022 Fax 650.685.8428