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Consultation: 1 Hour

During this private, one-on-one behavior consultation, our experts will help you work through issues such as house training, mouthiness, sparation anxiety, obedience, Shyness, fear, dog-dog reactivity, and most aggression cases. Because we are a non-profit, our rates are significantly less expensive than other consultation businesses:


We will contact you to schedule your consultation after we receive your questionnaire and payment.


Location:Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Compassion 1450 Rollins Rd, in Burlingame


Proof of vaccination is required.



Ofrecemos consultas en español para perros y gatos. Puede traer a su macota a nuestras oficinas donde nuestros expertos se reunirán con usted para ayudarle a resolver problemas como enseñarle donde ir al baño, problemas de ansiedad, timidez, miedos, como enseñar a un nuevo cachorro, y entrenamiento básico de obediencia. Nuestros precios son menores que los de otros grupos porque somos una entidad sin fines de lucro. Para concertar una cita o para más información llamar al 650/340-7022 ext. 306 o mande un email a incluyendo el nombre de su perro, la raza, el sexo y edad, y cual es el problema a discutir.



Client Testimonials

"I was very pleased with the openness to questions. The trainer understood my dog like no one else ever had."

"The trainer demonstrated to show me what I should do, and I liked being able to practice with other dogs around. The follow-up and notes were very helpful."

"It was comforting to learn that my dog's problems were not unique."

Consultation: 1 Hour


    WAIT! You must submit your consult questionnaire BEFORE adding a consult to your cart. PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR CONSULT QUESTIONNAIRE.


    Call (650) 340-7022 ext. 667 or email for a coupon code if you adopted your dog from Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA within the last 12 months.

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